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St. Columba of Sens

Feast day: December 31 In the year 257, there was a baby born to a noble family in Zaragoza, the northwestern region of Spain, and the baby was named Eporita, but when she was a child, she moved to Vienne, France. It was there that Eporita was baptized, which was when she received the name…

“Why Fetal Potential is not Enough” (Debunked)

I recently encountered an article entitled, Why Fetal Potential is not Enough. As I apparently cannot have enough of debunking pro-choice arguments, I thought I might as well do this one: A common argument for the pro-life position relates to the potential of the fetus. Even if the fetus isn’t presently conscious and self-aware, the argument goes, they…

St. Olympias

Source: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=797 Olympias the Younger was born either in Constantinople or Antioch. Her father was a wealthy Greek Rhetor named Seleucus and her mother was an Antiochian Greek woman named Alexandra. She was named after her paternal aunt, Olympias, who was once engaged to the Roman emperor Constans who later married the Roman client king of Arsacid Armenia, Arsaces II (Arshak II). Her paternal grandfather…

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2 replies on “Home”

Agreed. The Bible doesn’t condone or endorse slavery. St. Paul wasn’t a political and social activist but a preacher of the Gospel of Christ. Fr. Martin is committing a logical fallacy by arguing from silence. The apostle may not have voiced his views on slavery but nonetheless condemned it personally. Fr. Martin is the Devil’s advocate which is obvious by the fact he makes fallacious statements. Satan is always exposed as the liar that he is at some point in his schemes to ruin souls. Stirring confusion among Catholics is one of his main tactics. The Third Secret of Fatima, though unrevealed, appears to be playing itself out this moment.

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